FRSIC Consensus 12 – Sustainable Forest Management Concession Arrangements (1 September 2009)

The effective date of the application of this FRSIC CONSENSUS was 1 September 2009.

The release of FRSIC Consensus 12 – Sustainable Forest Management Concession Arrangements provides guidance, on  the issue addressed in this Consensus is whether the costs incurred by the Licensee within a sustainable forest management concession arrangement shall:

(a) All be recognised as an intangible asset (similar to a conventional timber concession) in accordance with FRS 138 “Intangible Assets”; or

(b) Be recognised separately as intangible assets, tangible assets or expenses in accordance with the applicable FRSs.

You can download FRISC Consensus 12 here:

FRSIC Consensus 11 – When A Company Changes The Measurement Basis For Its Assets Which Warrants A Prior Year Adjustment, Should The Related Depreciation Charges Be Adjusted Retrospectively Based On The Revised Definition Of Residual Value In Accordance With FRS 116? (31 July 2008)

The effective date of the application of this FRSIC CONSENSUS was 31 July 2008.

The release of FRSIC Consensus 11 – When A Company Changes The Measurement Basis For Its Assets Which Warrants A Prior Year Adjustment, Should The Related Depreciation Charges Be Adjusted Retrospectively Based On The Revised Definition Of Residual Value In Accordance With FRS 116? provides guidance, on the issue in the event that there is a change in the measurement basis of a property, plant and equipment from revaluation model to cost model (which is a change in accounting policy), how should the retrospective application be computed had paragraph 54 and 55 of FRS 1162004 been applied previously.  The change in the measurement basis takes place in the first year of adoption of FRS 116. The issue is in the event that there is a change in the measurement basis of a property, plant and equipment from revaluation model to cost model (which is a change in accounting policy), how should the retrospective application be computed had paragraph 54 and 55 of FRS 1162004 been applied previously.  The change in the measurement basis takes place in the first year of adoption of FRS 116.

You can download FRISC Consensus 11 here:

FRSIC Consensus 10 – How To Compute The Majority Of The Benefits And Risks Of Special Purpose Entity (SPE) And What Constitutes The Residual Interest In The Case Where There Are Different Tranches Of Risks? (31 July 2008)

The effective date of the application of this FRSIC CONSENSUS was 31 July 2008.

The release of FRSIC Consensus 10 – How To Compute The Majority Of The Benefits And Risks Of Special Purpose Entity (SPE) And What Constitutes The Residual Interest In The Case Where There Are Different Tranches Of Risks? provides guidance, on the application of IC Interpretation 112 Consolidation – Special Purpose Entities, and, specifically provides clarification on:-

(i) How to compute the majority of benefits and risks of Special Purpose Entities?

(ii) What constitutes residual interest in the case where there are different tranches of risks?

You can download FRISC Consensus 10 here:

FRSIC Consensus 9 – Accounting For Rights Issue With Free Warrants (31 July 2008)

The effective date of the application of this FRSIC CONSENSUS was 31 July 2008.

The release of FRSIC Consensus 9 – Accounting For Rights Issue With Free Warrants provides guidance, on the issue whether a value should be allocated to free warrants that come together with the rights issue of shares to shareholders.

You can download FRISC Consensus 9 here:

FRSIC Consensus 8 – Revenue Recognition For Shipping Freight Services Companies (27 March 2008)

The effective date of the application of this FRSIC CONSENSUS was 27 March 2008.

The release of FRSIC Consensus 8 – Revenue Recognition For Shipping Freight Services Companies provides guidance, on recognition of revenue for shipping freight services companies specifically on whether recognising revenues from incomplete services of liner voyages is in compliance with FRS 118 Revenue.

You can download FRISC Consensus 8 here: