Freehold land and buildings |
Furniture & fittings |
Total |
$ |
$ |
$ |
At day/month/year (beginning) and day/month/year (end) |
xxx,xxx |
xxx,xxx |
xxx,xxx |
Valuation |
x,xxx,xxx |
– |
x,xxx,xxx |
Cost |
x,xxx,xxx |
x,xxx,xxx |
x,xxx,xxx |
Accumulated depreciation | |||
At day/month/year (beginning) |
x,xxx |
x,xxx |
x,xxx |
Charge for the financial year (current year) |
x,xxx |
x,xxx |
x,xxx |
At day/month/year (end) |
xx,xxx |
xx,xxx |
xx,xxx |
Net Book Value at day/month/year (end) |
x,xxx,xxx |
x,xxx,xxx |
x,xxx,xxx |
Net Book Value at day/month/year (beginning) |
x,xxx,xxx |
x,xxx,xxx |
x,xxx,xxx |
Depreciation charge for the financial year | |||
ended day/month/year (previous year) |
x,xxx |
x,xxx |
x,xxx |
*Analysis of valuation of land : | |||
If freehold land had not been revalued, it would have been included in the following amounts: | |||
Current year |
Previous year |
$ |
$ |
At cost: | |||
Freehold land |
xx,xxx |
xx,xxx |
The freehold land was revalued by the Directors based on an open market value basis on day/month/year (date of valuation).
The net book value of assets under hire purchase financiang amounted to $xx,xxx (Previous year: $xx,xxx).
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