Sample Disclosure – Directors’ Interest In Shares (5 May 2011)


The interests and deemed interests in shares and options of the Company and of its related corporations of those who were Directors at year end (including the interests of the spouses and/or children of the directors who themselves are not Directors of the Company) as recorded in the Register of Directors’ Shareholdings are as follows:

[—– No. of ordinary shares of RM1/- each —–]

At 1.1.2010 Bought Sold At 31.12.2010
Director 1
– direct 21,050,000 21,050,000
– indirect* 5,400,200 5,400,200
Director 2
– direct 3,200,300 3,200,300
– indirect* 106,000 106,000
Director 3
– direct 100,000 100,000
– indirect
Director 4
– direct 200,000 200,000
– indirect

*Deemed interest by virtue of shares held by spouse and/or child in the Company pursuant to Section 134(12)(c) of the Companies Act, 1965.

By virtue of their interests in the shares of the Company, Director 1 and Director 2 are also deemed interested in the shares of the subsidiaries during the financial year to the extent that the Company has an interest.

Save and except as disclosed above, none of the other directors holding office at 31 December 2010 had any interest in the ordinary shares of the Company and of its related corporations during the financial year.