Sample Disclosure – Financial Results in Directors’ Report [continuing and discontinued operations] (27 January 2011)


There were no material transfers to or from reserves or provisions during the financial year other than as disclosed in the statements of changes in equity.

In the opinion of the directors, the results of the operations of the Group and of the Company during the financial year have not been substantially affected by any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature, other than the gain arising from the disposal of the bottles and containers manufacturing and packaging business of RM348,228, as further disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements.

Please click this for all the relevant disclosure in one place: Sample Disclosure Of Continuing And Discontinued Operations In One Place (27 January 2011)

Sample Disclosure – Financial Results in Directors’ Report (21 August 2009)


    Group   Company
  RM RM 
Loss for the year:-    
Loss for the year from continuing operations (1,200,000) (1,000,000)
Loss for the year from discontinued operations    (700,000)    –  
  (1,900,000) (1,000,000)

There were no material transfer to or from reserves during the financial year.

In the opinion of the directors, the results and operations of the Group and of the Company during the financial year were not substantially affected by any item, event or transaction of material and unusual in nature except the following:-

(i) the effect arising from review of impairment of property, plant and equipment resulting in an imparment loss of RM800,000 recognised during the financial year.

(ii) the effect arising from the remeasurement of the carrying value of assets of disposal group resulting in remeasurement loss of RM900,000 as disclosed in Note X to the financial statements.

(iii) the effect arising from the review of impairment of investment in subsidiaries of the Company resulting in an imparment loss of RM500,000 recognised during the financial year.