Sample Disclosure – Change In Accounting Policy On Non-amortisation Of Plantation Development Expenditure (24 August 2009)

Non-amortisation of Plantation Development Expenditure

With effect from 1 April 2008, planting expenditure incurred on newly developed land capitalised under plantation development expenditure is not amortised. Replanting expenditure of similar crops on former developed areas is chargeable to the income statement in the financial year it is incurred. In the opinion of the directors, the change in accounting policy provides reliable and more relevant information. This change in accounting policy has been accounted for retrospectively. Previously, amortisation was provided on plantation development expenditure of matured areas. The following table provides the extent of the change in accounting policy on the income statement and balance sheet had the previous policy been applied in the current year:

Effect on income statement for the year ended 31 March 2009  


Increase in cost of sales


Decrease in profit before tax


Decrease in tax expense


Decrease in profit for the year


Effect on balance sheet as at 31 March 2009  


Decrease in plantation development expenditure


Decrease in deferred tax liability


Decrease in retained earnings


Sample Disclosure – Change In Accounting Policy On Property, Plant and Equipment (21 August 2009)

Change In Accounting Policy

On 1 January 2009, the Company changed its accounting policy on the measurement of its freehold land and buildings form cost model to revaluation model. Pursuant to FRS 116: Property, Plant and Equipment, the revaluation has not been dealt with as a prior year adjustment in accordance with FRS 108: Accounting Policies, Change In Accounting Estimates and Errors, but instead treated as revaluation made during the year.

The effect of the change is as follows:-

Balance sheet as at 1 January 2009




Property, plant and equipment


Asset revaluation reserve


Deferred tax liability
